9 Aralık 2014 Salı

Do not you wish you also get you a colored bracelet !!!

 Color Bracelet 

                 Hello everyone a rainy day :))))
           Today I will introduce you to prepare colored rope bracelet for example.
           The construction is quite simple and it will be a bracelet that you can use in everyday life.
           A little handmade design can also consolidate your ingenuity.
           Now let's get you ready for construction?

As noted above, our material is extremely rare and materials you can easily find at home.


  • Unused white cloth
  • Awl
  • Self-colored embroidery floss (Everyone has the absolute mother of handmade rope in the house)
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive
  • Old faded any bracelet

First, take the rope clicks, pulled amount of chain to wrap each side of the collar, and I wrote.
I glued each side to take the bracelet with white cloth wrapped adhesive.
I have prepared my chain pulled tightly grips the rope bracelet beautifully and pasted to the end of the opening.

That's it ...
After seeing I'm sure you'll want to make it a must.

We need to know available for evaluation.Recycling should be in all of us.

To discuss new and good ideas ...

Stay with love :))))

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